

What are R Groups?

R Groups are spiritual direction groups that consist of 3-5 people that are committed to meeting together monthly for 9-12 months and helping one another listen and respond to the Holy Spirit in their lives. These groups embody the values of HTE: Reflection, Recognition, and Revitalization.

The Three R’s of HTE:

Reflection: we allow space for the Holy Spirit to speak.

Recognition: we recognize God and His work all around us.

Revitalization: we are revitalized by the Holy Spirit as we are being made into the image of God.

If you are interested in being a part of an R Group or getting more information please contact Deacon Diane Steward: diane.steward@gmail.com


Women’s story groups are intended to foster relational intimacy among the women of Holy Trinity. Groups meet weekly for six weeks and follow a format that allows each woman to share her story in an effort to know and be known and to grow in depth of fellowship with one another. Each group will seek out women in various stages of life, ideally representing women from each decade in their 20s to 80s. The unifying thread for the group is the gospel and Jesus in each woman’s life.

If you are interested in being a part of a Women’s Story Group or would like more information, please contact Jane Hutchinson: jane.e.hutch@gmail.com


6th - 12th Graders meet twice a month on the first and third Fridays from 6-8:30pm. This gathering includes worship, learning together, food and some games in an environment that is meant to promote friendship. Email Fr. Zach for more info @ zach@holytrinityedmonds.com

A Monday night Bible study time is also available for high schoolers, 6:15-7:45pm. Led by Fr. Zach with the assistance of group leaders, contact zach@holytrinityedmonds.com


This interactive small group “class” is encouraged for all adults at Holy Trinity. It provides the foundation for Anglican discipleship and is required for Confirmation or Reception by the Bishop, as well as membership at HTE. Over the course of 12 weeks, we will use the ancient method of Christian Catechism to learn what it means to believe in Christ, belong to Christ, and be a part of His Church. Childcare is available if needed, just let us know. A new group begins each Fall and late Winter/early Spring.

Email Fr. Steve at steve@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information or to express interest in joining this next class.


Spirit & Spirits

As men, it can be daunting to find meaningful, close fellowship, even in a small community like HTE. Started in 2019, Spirit and Spirits is a close-knit community of HTE men who gather monthly at Doug Ireton's house for Compline, corporate prayer, fellowship, dessert, and (optionally) good whisky. Through Spirit and Spirits men have deepened friendships and created meaningful community. Please join us on the first Friday of every month at 8:00pm.