God created us so that He could generously care for us! Every one of us has a tenacious desire for satisfaction, whether we know He’s the real treasure or not. Our desires can get us into serious trouble but shutting them down doesn’t free us either.
God’s answer is the gift of His Son. Jesus is the Bread of Life, the end of all our hunger. By His cross He saves us from the hopeless struggle to survive on our our, and brings us home to our Father where we can grow secure in His love.
In the beginning, God spoke beauty, order, and life out of nothing. He continues to speak the healing word today, enabling us to
Receive the Bread of Life rather than sweating for unsatisfying food.
Know His goodness in areas where we’ve been deprived.
Embrace our creative desires and leave despair behind.
We need help from Christ’s Body to come into the overflowing well-being He means to give. Through worship, teaching, and prayer this retreat will offer that help, and equip us to help others find fullness of life in Him.We need help from Christ’s Body to come into the overflowing well-being He means to give. Through worship, teaching, and prayer this retreat will offer that help, and equip us to help others find fullness of life in Him.
Who Should Attend?
All seekers of the kingdom of God are encouraged to attend. Those who have hit roadblocks in following Jesus will find real help. Ministers and lay leaders from all denominations, and those in caregiving roles will be equipped to help others live in the fullness of God’s life.