Lunch & Learn
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for our second annual Youth Retreat. We will be leaving on Friday afternoon, March 14 and traveling to Ellensburg for our weekend retreat at Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center We will return on Sunday March 16 late afternoon/evening.
Please register based on the number of students from your family that you will be registering and make a payment (at least the minimum).
We do have limited scholarship funds available, if you would like to request financial assistance for your student(s) to attend please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com before registering and let us know. Our hope is that all students who want to come are able to attend, so please let us know of your needs. There will also be an option to send a link to family or friends who can contribute directly to your student’s retreat costs.
Last week's benevolence giving raised $1074 for the youth retreat! Thank you for your generous giving! Another opportunity to give toward the retreat will be March 1 & 2.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
God created us so that He could generously care for us! Every one of us has a tenacious desire for satisfaction, whether we know He’s the real treasure or not. Our desires can get us into serious trouble but shutting them down doesn’t free us either.
God’s answer is the gift of His Son. Jesus is the Bread of Life, the end of all our hunger. By His cross He saves us from the hopeless struggle to survive on our our, and brings us home to our Father where we can grow secure in His love.
In the beginning, God spoke beauty, order, and life out of nothing. He continues to speak the healing word today, enabling us to
Receive the Bread of Life rather than sweating for unsatisfying food.
Know His goodness in areas where we’ve been deprived.
Embrace our creative desires and leave despair behind.
We need help from Christ’s Body to come into the overflowing well-being He means to give. Through worship, teaching, and prayer this retreat will offer that help, and equip us to help others find fullness of life in Him.We need help from Christ’s Body to come into the overflowing well-being He means to give. Through worship, teaching, and prayer this retreat will offer that help, and equip us to help others find fullness of life in Him.
All seekers of the kingdom of God are encouraged to attend. Those who have hit roadblocks in following Jesus will find real help. Ministers and lay leaders from all denominations, and those in caregiving roles will be equipped to help others live in the fullness of God’s life.
You are warmly welcomed to join in our Ash Wednesday services at the church at 8am, noon, and 6pm.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent: a time of penitence, fasting, and prayer, in preparation for the great feast of the resurrection.
The season of Lent began in the early days of the Church as a time of preparation for those seeking to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. The forty days refer to our Lord’s time of fasting in the wilderness; and since Sundays are never fast days, Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the Lenten Fast.
Throughout the Old Testament, ashes are used as a sign of sorrow and repentance, and Christians have traditionally used ashes to indicate sorrow for our own sin, and as a reminder that the wages of sin is death (ROMANS 6:23). Like Adam and Eve, we have disobeyed and rebelled against God, and are under the same judgment, “you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (GENESIS 3:19).
But as we are marked with ashes in the same manner that we were signed with the Cross in Baptism, we are also reminded of the life we share in Jesus Christ, the second Adam (ROMANS 5:17, 6:4). It is in this sure hope that we begin the journey of these forty days, that by hearing and answering our Savior’s call to repent, we may enter fully into the joyful celebration of his resurrection.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Adults and teens are invited to register now for class on Tuesdays, February 4 - April 29, 6:45-8:30pm in the Parish Hall.
Catechism is a study rooted in ancient practices, aimed at forming disciples in our cultural context. It is open to anyone, but is also a prerequisite for membership at HTE. If you have questions, please see any of our priests. Childcare is available if needed, just let us know.
Sign up here, or contact Fr. Steve with any questions at Steve@HolyTrinityEdmonds.com
If you would like to learn more about the Anglican tradition and its history, theology, practices, and symbols, then please join Fr. Ryan and Fr. Steve in the sanctuary on February 1. Please let us know if you require childcare in order to attend.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Twelfth Night marks the final night of Christmastide and the start of Epiphany the following day. Traditionally a time for merriment and feasting, Twelfth Night gives us the opportunity to gather for a potluck meal and a talent show, good times all around! Bring your favorite dish to share (Surnames A-L main dish, M-R side dish, S-Z dessert), and plan to participate in the talent show on your own or with a group!
Join us for a night full of food, fun, and games as we ring in the new year together! Drop off at 9pm and pick up at 8am. Sleeping spaces will be available for those who want to use them.
Come enjoy a family service on Christmas morning, celebrating with carols and a special Christmas Day liturgy.
Join us for a candlelight service of Lessons and Carols as we rejoice that Emmanuel - God with us - has come.
All are warmly invited to join us for our family Christmas Eve service at 3pm. The adult and children’s choirs will sing, and we will celebrate God’s coming among us - Emmanuel, God with us - together.
Students 6th grade - High School: Join us for our Christmas Party! Food, Ginger Bread Houses, Christmas Movie and games from 6-8:30pm at the church. See you there!
Advent is the season that looks forward to the arrival of Jesus. Join us on Wednesday evenings this Advent, as together, we watch and wait for the coming of our Lord and King. We'll begin with a meal together starting at 5:15 and continue with time of teaching and prayer in the sanctuary from 6-7pm. There will be a program for elementary students and nursery care will be available for little ones.
Advent is the season that looks forward to the arrival of Jesus. Join us on Wednesday evenings this Advent, as together, we watch and wait for the coming of our Lord and King. We'll begin with a meal together starting at 5:15 and continue with time of teaching and prayer in the sanctuary from 6-7pm. There will be a program for elementary students and nursery care will be available for little ones.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Advent is the season that looks forward to the arrival of Jesus. Join us on Wednesday evenings this Advent, as together, we watch and wait for the coming of our Lord and King. We'll begin with a meal together starting at 5:15 and continue with time of teaching and prayer in the sanctuary from 6-7pm. There will be a program for elementary students and nursery care will be available for little ones.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome. This will be the final Lunch & Learn for the year, and we will start again on January 9.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan at ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.
Lunch and Learn offers a study of Scripture with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Lunch and Learn offers a study on the Old Testament book of Jonah with Fr. Jesse. Bring your lunch and study with others on Thursdays in the Parish Hall! Drop-ins welcome.
Students 6th grade - High School are welcome to join us on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month for a time of food, worship and catechism, and some fun together. We usually meet at the church but sometimes we meet in homes or other locations, please email Fr. Ryan ryan@holytrinityedmonds.com for more information.