We are in the midst of a three year capital campaign that will conclude at the end of 2027. The purpose of this campaign to purchase the property where we currently worship. “The property” includes the church building, the two parking lots and the two houses, one on each side of the street. Our hope is to pay off as much of the principal in the first three years as possible. The purchase price is $2.9 million and our initial goal was to raise $1.2 million. If you are new to HTE and would like to participate in helping us purchase and pay off our property you can still make a pledge or make a donation that will go directly to this capital campaign from this page. We will also update this page with current pledge totals and other information about the timeline of this campaign.
Pledge total as of 03/13/2025:
$1,849,067.00 (154%)
Total Received as of 03/13/2025: