At Holy Trinity Edmonds we value children and joyfully welcome them in our worship services.  We believe they have much to contribute to the life of the church and we encourage them to participate alongside their families in worship.

We desire to foster a sense of love and wonder for God’s word and his church in our children, because they too are created in God’s image, and can know and love Jesus in a meaningful way. Our children’s programs are designed to help these little ones understand that they are full members of the body of Christ and valued as a part of our church family.

While many young children are able to participate and listen in during our worship services, sometimes they need a little extra help. You’ll find blue activity boxes available just outside the sanctuary doors on the children’s table, which include a variety of activities, as well as children’s books. Please feel free to use these during worship!
In addition, we have a quiet corner stocked with toddler-friendly toys and books close to the elevator for parents who need/choose to be in the lobby with their young children.

We encourage you not to stress if your children are making some noise during worship—it's OK! We value children and joyfully welcome them in our worship services.


We offer childcare downstairs if you would like a safe place for your young child to be cared for during all or part of the worship service.


Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade begin worship in the sanctuary with their families, and then leave together for their own children’s liturgy time downstairs in the Parish Hall. They return to the sanctuary before the Eucharist (Communion) to continue worshipping with their families.

Our K–3rd grade children meet in their children's worship center downstairs. We use a Montessori-style curriculum called Godly Play/Young Children in Worship as the foundation for our liturgy time. This curriculum is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance, and teaches children that God speaks to us through his word. Godly Play is a story and play based curriculum, which we supplement with liturgy to help children learn to appreciate the riches of our Anglican worship tradition. Children interact with Scripture through stories, art, conversation, memory work, journaling, and other activities.

Our 4–5th grade children meet each week with their leaders in the conference room downstairs, to read and talk over the week's Gospel passage. Then they spend time together memorizing Scriptures and liturgical passages.


Everyone who works with children at HTE is screened through a federal background check and receives training in the Cascadia Diocese child protection protocol. We strive to ensure that our staff and volunteers are trustworthy and wise people who are equipped to serve.