At Holy Trinity Edmonds we desire to be a people who are committed to being humble and vulnerable with God, ourselves, and each other. We envision a community of people where kind honesty is valued and practiced. Humility, vulnerability, and telling the kind truth are the foundational pieces of the culture we are seeking to develop together. We hope that even when things get messy and people disagree with one another, we can be a group of folks who are united in Christ and find our unity and common bond in Him by the power of the Holy Spirit. We seek to be growing in these things as we are transformed into the image of Jesus; for the sake of the Gospel of Christ, for the glory of God, for the abundance of life, and for the sake of the world. 


Join us for one of our servicesSaturdays at 6pm or Sundays at 10am

Watch a service on our YouTube channel


In visiting us at Holy Trinity Edmonds you can expect to find all types of folks, young and old. People from various backgrounds and upbringings and in different places on their own journey toward Jesus. But you will also find a people who are sincerely following and growing in relationship with Jesus, individually and together as the body of Christ.

We understand that sometimes we need to slow down and take a step out of our busy and frantic lives. In doing so we are often able to better see what it is God is doing and hear what it is He is saying. We love to be together while we worship God, as His body, and we believe in participating together in the worship of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are reverent before God when we worship together and believe strongly that what takes place during the worship service is sacred and meaningful.

We enjoy being in the presence of the Living Triune God and we anticipate the Holy Spirit speaking and working in our lives. We do so however within the order of the Liturgy (order and expression of worship) and what we believe to be the practices of the historic Church that have been handed down to us.

We do our best to be simultaneously rooted and relevant, ancient and modern, traditional and innovative.